Tuesday, December 6, 2011


here's the link!


Monday, November 14, 2011

Link To Prezi!

Here is the link to my prezi. Enjoy!


Monday, October 24, 2011

Physics Reflection For Section 2

             What I learned…
               This chapter, I learned more than I thought was possible! From parabolas to acceleration, I feel that as a class we are getting more in depth with physics. Starting with Newton’s second law, i felt things were getting more complicated, but more interesting. I learned that acceleration is equal to the net force over the mass, and also that acceleration in equation equals gravity! (a=g). I also learned how to find the distance of something falling (d=1/2gt
2) and its velocity (v=gt). After this, we look a bid leap and starting to learn about how things fall. I learned how to calculate an object velocity and distance in the air at any given moment. I also learned that in freefall, objects acceleration is always 10m/s2, and that all objects fall at the same rate during freefall because there is no air resistance. Things got a little more complicated when we put air resistance into the mix, but it soon got easier. Air resistance relies on the surface area of an object (among other things), so if it has a larger surface area, then the terminal velocity (the speed it reaches so that its at equilibrium meaning the net force is the same as the air resistance) is greater. While learning about parabolas I found out that horizontal force is always constant while vertical force changing and increases.

                     What I found difficult....
              With so many new concepts this section, I felt like I was struggling a little at the beginning with parabolas and vertical motion, along with knowing how to calculate an objects height off the ground at any second while its in the air. I also struggled with learning how to calculate an objects velocity without air resistance. Learning everything about air resistance after learning about free fall was hard. One concept was so easy, while air resistance was more challenging to grasp.
           Problem solving skills....
               I feel that my problem solving skills have greatly improved this section. I am now able to calculate an objects height in air or how long it will take a box to drop to the ground out of a plane. I find it easier to determine which formulas to use for each problem and I am learning how to actually answer the question I am asked. While we added ne equations such as a=Fnet/m and Fnet=Fweight- Fair, I am now used to plugging them in to find the answer to questions I am asked. Every section I feel as if my problem solving skills improve more and more!

              Connections to Physics in the everyday world!
                    This entire section, everything we have learned has been relevant to the outside world. Many of our labs, such as calculating the height of Anderson demonstrated the use of physics in the real world. Like I said in the questions above, I am learning how to relate everything in the world to Physics, and I am finding that physics has to do with almost everything! Finding out how high an object will go in the air if I throw it in the air at 40 m/s is now a much simpler task than before I took your class. Even now, looking back to the test we took on the first day to assess our skills, I already feel much more confidant that I could answer those questions much more sufficiently. Most of the examples we used for net force and air resistance had to do with parachutes, skydivers, and cats anyways! Our world revolves around physics. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011



Monday, September 5, 2011


This year I am very excited about taking Physics. I do not know that much about it, but I am ready and excited to learn about the laws of motion and famous physicists. I think I ill like Physics because it is so different than any other science i have ever taken. Science has not always been a favorite subject of mine, but after taking Chemistry last year, i have started to enjoy it more. This year in Physics, i expect to learn a broad range of things. From how laws of gravity, to how different items react to being moved, thrown, kicked, or pushed. I still have a very basic understanding of Physics, but i know that that will all change by the end of the year if i put in the time and effort. I think physics is more important than many put it out to be. Without realizing it, humans use Physics every single day. I am looking for a deeper understanding so that i will know how to relate things to physics and understand more about earths forces. I am ready to take Physics, and ask many questions, although i do not know what many of them are yet. This year i also have certain class and homework goals that i expect from myself. I want to take this class seriously, but also have fun. I want to be able to understand the laws of physics by the end of the year, but i also have smaller goals. I would like to strive to complete my homework every day and ask questions when i don't understand the material. I know sometimes i can get behind but by asking Ms. Lawrence for help when i need it and coming in after school, i will attempt to always be on task. I cannot wait to start the year off successfully!