Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Monday, September 5, 2011


This year I am very excited about taking Physics. I do not know that much about it, but I am ready and excited to learn about the laws of motion and famous physicists. I think I ill like Physics because it is so different than any other science i have ever taken. Science has not always been a favorite subject of mine, but after taking Chemistry last year, i have started to enjoy it more. This year in Physics, i expect to learn a broad range of things. From how laws of gravity, to how different items react to being moved, thrown, kicked, or pushed. I still have a very basic understanding of Physics, but i know that that will all change by the end of the year if i put in the time and effort. I think physics is more important than many put it out to be. Without realizing it, humans use Physics every single day. I am looking for a deeper understanding so that i will know how to relate things to physics and understand more about earths forces. I am ready to take Physics, and ask many questions, although i do not know what many of them are yet. This year i also have certain class and homework goals that i expect from myself. I want to take this class seriously, but also have fun. I want to be able to understand the laws of physics by the end of the year, but i also have smaller goals. I would like to strive to complete my homework every day and ask questions when i don't understand the material. I know sometimes i can get behind but by asking Ms. Lawrence for help when i need it and coming in after school, i will attempt to always be on task. I cannot wait to start the year off successfully!