Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mouse Trap Car Day 2

On day two, Natalia and my's original plan was to finish constructing the car, and go straight to performing in the time trial, but that is of course, not the way things went!
Natalia and I started out by finishing up on drilling the holes in the mousetrap and wheels, with only a few setbacks which included cracking both the wood on the mouse trap and the plastic tires. (whoops!) 
Once tiny holes had been drilled into our mousetrap, we prepared to screw the eye hooks into the pre-made holes. Although the eye hooks did crack some of the VERY delicate plywood used for the mousetrap, we were able to securely fasten the eye hooks to the mousetrap, which meant that we were ready for phase 3:
Assembling the Tires! 
We began the task of constructing the axel for the tires and positioning the tires on the axel with confidence, but as time passed, we realized that the original plan of securing the tires with zip ties was not going to be the most effective way to fasten the tires. The zip ties took up a lot of space and were not very secure so we decided to try plain tape instead. To our surprise, the tape was a much more effective way to both keep the tires on the axel and make sure that the tires would rotate with the axel. 
Although it took many different methods of construction, we are on our way to a great mousetrap car!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deane! This is really nice! I am excited to see how this turns out.
