Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Centrifugal Motion; The force that isn't actually a force!

Centrifugal Swingin' 

Category: Natural photo

              This picture demonstrates the physics that is incorporated when one swings on a swing. As you swing, your body will move with the swing, as the chains keep your body and the swing moving in a circular motion. Once you let go of the swing, there will no longer be a net force moving you in a circular motion, which was once the chains, and so your body will travel in a path tangential to the circle. On the other hand, as you can see, the swing will continue to move in the direction that it was before because no net force will act upon it. This notion is from Newton’s first law which states that an object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will stay at rest unless a net force acts upon it. This rule applies to both the swing and your body. In this case, the body will continue to move in the direction that is tangential to the circle until a net force acts upon it, which in this case will be gravity.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is really brilliant! I love the picture and I also love that you compared what the swing was doing when the person jumped out. Great idea!
